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Shockwave Treatments

I have had great successes with what may be considered non-traditional medical treatments. I was disappointed after my first shockwave treatment that I did not feel any benefit - even though I fully understood that usually one treatment is not enough.

I had a second treatment and then a third. After the third I had to wait for three weeks before a subsequent treatment could occur. After the second treatment, I had no pain one morning, but this lasted only a brief time - by noon, everything felt the same. However, after the third treatment, both feet were very sore - much sorer than normal. This I was not expecting!!!!! I feel that this extra pain lasted for approximately 10 days, and then everything was back to the normal level of pain.

During this time, I had an appointment with Dr. Gurgal - Podiatrist and shared with him my frustrations. It is already May - both feet have been hurting since October. Sometimes, the pain keeps me up at night - I can't walk any distances, I'm not feeling healthy and not looking forward to this continuing.

It was in February that I got my new orthotics and had two adjustments without improvement. For my third adjustment appointment I took a copy of my x-ray that my chiropractor had printed out for me. I had asked Dr. Gurgal if he had my x-ray on my first appointment - it did not occur to me that he still didn't have it. I'm not sure why my doctor who made the referral to the Podiatrist and ordered the x-rays had not forwarded it on. I'm not sure why the Podiatrist did not request the x-ray when I had asked if he had received it. However - I am a big believer that a person must take control of their own health issues - I should have checked sooner to see if he had received them. When I showed him the x-ray copy I had, Dr. Gurgal appeared shocked and said "now I think I can help you".
Inferior Spur on the right heel
Dr. Gurgal modified the orthotics to make a cup to accommodate the spur in both heels. I discussed with Dr Gurgal my frustrations and asked what else should I be doing.... he responded that I was doing all that he could recommend and encouraged me to be patient. I asked about heel spur surgery, he responded that such surgery's haven't been done since the 1990's.  I did a little research on this and found that generally heel spurs return after they are removed by surgery and then there is the additional issue of scarring.

Hopefully, between the modified orthotics and the Shockwave treatments - something will work. I need to start walking again and become healthy.


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